Doctor Catella Criscuolo was born in Catellammare di Stabia the 24th of July 1980 and completed her high school degree at the Scientific Francesco Saveri di Gragnano High School. Her admiration for the miracle of life brought her to study biology but her desire to participate first hand and with direct contact with the patients led her to pass numerous exams and to pursue a degree in obstetrics, obtained brilliantly in 2012. After signing up for the official Italian professional register of medicine, she assisted in over 1000 diverse surgical interventions of vaginal and operative deliveries composed of 2 or 3 on staff at the Villa Stabia clinic in Castellammare di Stabia and the Due Torri clinic at Torre del Greco. During these years she implemented her surgical knowledge assisting the team headed by Doctor Alfonso Maria Irollo in endoscopic and laparotomic surgery.
Her knowledge acquired during her study of Biology permitted her to quickly find her role at the MAP center Opc in Naples, AGOI Gragnano and Chianciao Salute where she is presently MAP coordinator.
Her experience acquired abroad at the MAP MYA in Salonicco Greece allowed her to assume her leadership role at the Chianciano Salute and to be chosen to work on the team in the Heterologous department at Chianciano Salute.
During her years working she however has never neglected her didactic and scientific activity participating in various scientific courses, speaking at conferences and writing several scientific publications.